Question: Who starred in the first light beer commercial?

The first Lite commercials aired in 1973 and starred the likes of football greats Matt Snell and Ernie Stautner and mystery writer Mickey Spillane.The first Lite commercials aired in 1973 and starred the likes of football greats Matt Snell and Ernie Stautner and mystery writer Mickey Spillane

Who was in the first light beer commercial Bubba Smith?

Although both of these athletes appeared in Lite Beer commercials in the 1970s, neither Billy Martin or Bubba Smith of them were first. That honor went to ex-New York Jets fullback Matt Snell in 1973.

What athlete was in the first light beer commercial?

The commercials were closed with a voice-over from actor Eddie Barth, who read the slogan, Lite Beer from Miller: Everything youve always wanted in a beer. And less. The then-recently retired New York Jets running back Matt Snell was the first person to appear in Miller Lites first commercial in 1973.

Who made the first light beer?

the Miller Brewing Company In 1855, Miller found himself next to the Great Lakes in Milwaukee, Wisconsin founding the Miller Brewing Company. Fast-forward over 100 years to 1975 to when the Original Lite beer was born. Not only did Miller invent the light beer but also blazed the trails for every other light beer in the market.

When was Miller Lite beer introduced?

1975 Miller Lite/Introduced

Was Bubba Smith in a light beer commercial?

A 6-foot-7, 280-pound defensive end, Smith was the No. After football, Smith was recruited to the ranks of former professional athletes who appeared as themselves in commercials for Miller Lite beer. He and fellow NFL veteran Dick Butkus were cast as inept golfers and polo players in the TV spots.

What was in the first light beer commercial?

The first Lite commercials aired in 1973 and starred the likes of football greats Matt Snell and Ernie Stautner and mystery writer Mickey Spillane. Over the course of the next decade, the company shot more than 80 commercials, and the roster of Lite All-Stars boasted nearly 40 celebs and sports icons.

Do light beers have less alcohol?

Because the alcohol content contributes the majority of calories in beer, light beers are almost always lower in alcohol than their comparable full-calorie, full-strength variants on a similar style. As a reference, alcohol contains 7 calories per gram, and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram.

When did Miller Lite stop using blue cans?

2001 Customers immediately embraced the retro-look, which was initially supposed to be a temporary promotion. But now, MillerCoors executives say they intend to stick with the white can and permanently ditch the blue packaging first used in 2001. The blue can looked too much like a soda, MillerCoors executives now say.

What beers are Coors getting rid of?

Molson Coors will be discontinuing a number of its economy brands including Keystone Ice, Icehouse Edge and Miller High Life Light as part of a company-wide effort to “premiumize” its higher-end offerings.

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