Question: What kind of relationship does a Scorpio have?

Most Compatible With Scorpio. The most compatible signs with Scorpio are Cancer, Pisces, and Virgo. Theyre flexible and accepting of Scorpios strong personality and need to be the boss.

What is a good relationship with a Scorpio?

Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces and Virgo are known to be the most compatible with Scorpio. Even though the Taurus - Scorpio combination could be a tough one for the relationship, if you can make it work then youll definitely last long.

Is Scorpio a relationship type?

Be prepared for intense love making and intense conversation. Not likely to just have casual one night stands, Scorpios are quite traditional in their intimate relationships, preferring to be in committed unions. They are devoted and fiercely loyal to their partners.

Is a Scorpio Scorpio relationship good?

Theres an undeniable pull between two Scorpios, each being so magnetic and dynamic. Scorpios make impressions and subtly fill a room. Two Scorpios are commanding without saying a word. As a pair, theyll enjoy being a power couple with a palpable sexual chemistry between them.

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