Question: Is Pattaya Walking Street Safe?

Is Pattaya Safe? (Our Take) Overall, Pattaya is an entirely safe place to visit. Of course, there is an element of risk (as with any location in the world) – but on the whole, Pattaya is a safe destination to travel. Pattaya is always fun and vibrant.

What should I avoid in Pattaya?

What Not to Do in Pattaya. Avoid fraud artists, thieves, and the night scene while traveling in “Thailands Murder Capital” by keeping your visit short, sticking to the big hotels and nearby markets, and keeping with groups. Take precautions when enjoying Pattayas night scene, which is not family-friendly.

What happens in Walking Street Pattaya?

Walking Street has concentrations of different sorts of venues as you make your way along it. Starting from the Beach Road end, you will find first mostly restaurants, then go-go bars and beer bars, then nightclubs and live music bars.

How dangerous is Pattaya?

Pattaya is mostly safe for foreigners and tourists. Probably the most severe, danger in Pattaya, and the number one cause of death for visitors to this city is motorbike accidents, that often occur here. Always wear a helmet, avoid driving at night at all costs and never drink and drive.

Is Pattaya dangerous at night?

So be careful on the street as it might be dangerous to walk on the street of Pattaya especially at night or if youre alone. With that being said, the highest rates of crime are in corruption and bribery, drug usage and dealing, and petty crime.

Is Pattaya good for family?

Pattaya has lots of family-friendly activities There are loads of family-friendly activities so Pattaya with kids makes sense from that perspective. With a young family, recommended activities are day-trips to nearby islands such as Koh Larn, water parks and of course, the beach.

Why is Pattaya famous for?

This nightlife hub is famous for its sex industry which is growing day by day and is the reason why Pattaya is known as sin city; but Pattaya is more than just this which makes it one of the favorite tourist destinations of all times.

Which is better to visit Pattaya or Phuket?

While Phuket offers a more rejuvenating and peaceful experience, Pattaya is a rather loud destination with a constant, frenzied party atmosphere. While Phuket is best suited for families, kids and couples, Pattaya is for the adventure freaks, adrenaline junkies and the spoiled part of the population.

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