Question: Are INTJs clingy?

INTJs are extremely independent people and are highly unlikely to become clingy in a relationship. They enjoy their space more than anything, and would prefer plenty of time alone. INTJs do enjoy spending time with their loved ones of course, but require plenty of space to thrive.

Are INTJs procrastinators?

INTJs are often excellent at motivating themselves, but even the most focused person can struggle with procrastination at times. Sometimes INTJs can procrastinate or struggle to get things done, simply because they have taken on too many things at once.

Are INTJs attention seekers?

INTJs require very little attention from others, and prefer to be independent. They can spend plenty of time in solitude, and often enjoy it this way. INTJs might feel smothered if they are around people for too long, and will retreat inward.

Do Infj like clingy?

You can come off as clingy and needy. INFJs are incredibly loyal, and when they love, they love more deeply and fiercely than even they can fathom; they desperately want the people in their life to feel appreciated.

Who are INTJs attracted to?

INTJs are most attracted to people whom they can see themselves having a future with as well as those who are open and honest to them. Additionally, intellect is important to an INTJ; smartness, creativity and intellectualism are very important factors which easily draw INTJs to their partners.

Is INTJ good in bed?

Some INTJs can certainly find satisfaction in casual sex, but this comes more from a striclty logical point of view. They can see how engaging in sex with someone will have plenty of health benefits, and they realize that is often a human need.

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