Question: Why does Plenty of Fish want my phone number?

Do you need phone number for Plenty of Fish?

If you need to contact POF, we recommend you contact us at Please do not call phone numbers found in a Google search - we do not provide general support over the phone, and support phone numbers found in a Google search do not belong to POF.

How do I remove my phone number from Plenty of Fish?

To delete your POF profile manually:Log in one last time using the app or the website.At the top of the first screen, click Help. Choose the Remove Profile option.Take a deep breath and click Delete your POF profile. Enter your username and password.If you want, you may share your reason for leaving.Thats it.6 Jan 2021

Does your phone number show on POF?

Instead of immediately gaining access to your Plenty of Fish account via your username and password, you will be required to provide another piece of information. This additional piece of information, is your mobile phone number.

How do I cancel my account with Plenty of Fish?

How to Delete POF Account on Android App?Go to Google Play Store on your phone.From the menu, select subscriptions.Find your POF subscription from the list.Select the Cancel Subscription option.23 Mar 2021

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