Question: What does the idiom in a nutshell mean?

Use the phrase in a nutshell when you want to make it clear that youre going to sum something up in just a few words. Another way to say this would be to make a long story short.

What does it mean to say in a nutshell?

in a nutshell. : very briefly And that, in a nutshell, is my explanation.

Which explains the meaning of the idiom in a nutshell correctly?

phrase. You can use in a nutshell to indicate that you are saying something in a very brief way, using few words. In a nutshell, the owners thought they knew best.

How do you use idiom in a nutshell?

0:043:10English Idioms Lesson 17 - In a Nutshell - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipNow lets see what does this idiom in a nutshell. Means. It means in a few words or to sum upMoreNow lets see what does this idiom in a nutshell. Means. It means in a few words or to sum up briefly. Or concisely it means without long explanations or to be concise or brief.

What does girls in a nutshell mean?

In a nutshell: a brief / short summary of something. Notes: The woman is inside a nutshell — the shell (outer part) of a nut (a small dry fruit that grows on trees or bushes).

Whats another way of saying in a nutshell?

What is another word for in a nutshell?in a wordbrieflyconciselyin shortsuccinctlyin sumin summaryto be briefto put it brieflyto summarize18 more rows

What can I use instead of a nutshell?

What is another word for in a nutshell?in a wordbrieflyconciselyin shortsuccinctlyin sumin summaryto be briefto put it brieflyto summarize18 more rows

What does the idiom crocodile tears mean?

: false or affected tears also : hypocritical sorrow.

What is another way of saying in a nutshell?

Phrases Synonymous with in a nutshell. in a word, in brief, in short, in sum.

How do you say professional in a nutshell?

in a nutshellbriefly,compactly,concisely,crisply,curtly,elliptically,laconically,pithily,More items

How do you use nutshell in a sentence?

summed up briefly.Give it to me in a nutshell.Just tell me the story in a nutshell.To put it in a nutshell, were bankrupt.That, in a nutshell, is what were doing.Well, to put it in a nutshell, were lost.In a nutshell, the owners thought they knew best.Okay, thats our proposal in a nutshell.More items •Aug 25, 2016

Is it formal to use in a nutshell?

Formal English: We use it when writing essays for school, cover letters to apply for jobs, or emails and letters at work .Transitions – Informal & Formal.InformalFormalIn a nutshell/BasicallyTo summarize,Anyway,NotwithstandingAll rightAcceptableWell,32 more rows

What is the idiom of pros and cons?

Arguments or considerations for and against something, as in Wed best weigh all the pros and cons before we decide to add a new wing to the library. This idiom is taken from the Latin pro for “for” and con for “against.” [

How do you say in a nutshell?


What is 11th hour?

: the latest possible time before it is too late still making changes at the eleventh hour.

Whats the opposite of in a nutshell?

Antonyms for in a nutshell. diffusely, long-windedly, verbosely, wordily.

What can I say instead of a nutshell?

What is another word for in a nutshell?in a wordbrieflyconciselyin shortsuccinctlyin sumin summaryto be briefto put it brieflyto summarize18 more rows

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