Question: What is the most popular otome game?

Mystic Messenger may be the most popular otome game of all time.

Where can I play otome games for free?

My Free Otome Picks#1: Hunex Games.#2: Hanabi Media Games.#3: Mystic Messenger.#4: Day7 Games.#5: Voltages Love365 Free Routes.#6: Genius Inc Games.#6: Games on Steam.#7: Ciagram Games.More items •Jan 23, 2018

Does Keith love Katarina?

When Katarina saves Keith, he unconsciously kisses Katarina. When he wakes up again, he confesses that he loves her and reveals his feelings toward her that he had for nine years. This makes Katarina finally aware of Keiths feelings.

Does Geordo like Katarina?

In Fortune Lover, Prince Geordo has no love for Katarina and mainly uses her as a shield so that other women would avoid making any attempts to grab his attention. Katarina herself is very much in love with him and would do anything to protect her position as his fiancée.

Does Katarina marry Geordo?

Because Katarina is still officially engaged to Prince Geordo Stuart, the drama begins fast. She chooses to practice her swordsmanship and magic to protect herself after mistakenly accepting Geordos marriage proposal, the latter prompting her to create a farm to refine her earth magic.

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