Question: What happens if I eat dates everyday?

Since they promote weight loss, treat constipation, works wonders for bone health, strengthen immunity, improve brain and heart health and even prevent diseases like Alzheimer or different types of cancer or other chronic diseases, experts advise on eating dates daily as a snack to help one feel energized without

How many dates should I eat in a day?

It is ideal to have 100 g of dates or a handful of dates every day to get all the essential nutrients. It is ideal to have 100 g of dates or a handful of dates every day to get all the essential nutrients.

What happens when you eat dates every day?

High in Fiber With almost 7 grams of fiber in a 3.5-ounce serving, including dates in your diet is a great way to increase your fiber intake (1). Fiber can benefit your digestive health by preventing constipation. It promotes regular bowel movements by contributing to the formation of stool ( 3 ).

What is the best time to eat dates for weight gain?

Dates can be an excellent way to add natural sweetness and fiber to your diet in the early morning. Whats more, their high fiber content can keep you full and satisfied throughout the morning. As an afternoon snack. Dates are a good source of fiber and high in natural sugars.

Can dates make you lose weight?

Contrary to the popular misconception, adding dates to your diet can actually help shed weight. Since they keep a check on cholesterol levels and contain very little fat, they can assist in weight loss.

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