Question: Can you use Elite Singles for free?

Yes, Elite Singles is Free! Elite Singles is one of those free-to-join, no-pressure-to-commit dating sites where singles can get the lay of the land without paying anything. You can create a dating profile right now and figure out if its really the right site for you.

How do you pay for EliteSingles?

But note the full subscription fee is charged upfront. Elite Singles payment options include PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Diners Club .Joining Elite Singles costs:$39.95 per month for a 6-month membership ($239.70 total)$52.95 per month for a 3-month membership ($158.85 total)$99.95 for a 1-month membership.

Is elite singles LGBT friendly?

Using our unique matchmaking process, EliteSingles is supporting LGBT singles across the country find and connect with long-lasting love matches. Our easy registration process is the commitment you make to yourself for finding love and happiness this year.

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Heston- Cat street no. 49, 44572 Yerevan, Armenia

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Kaeli Mastroddi
+51 487 505 696
Mon - Fri, 8:00-19:00

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