Question: Are professional dating services worth it?

“It is worth the investment if you are serious about finding a life partner,” says Erica Arrechea, cofounder and lead matchmaker at Cinqe Matchmaking. Spending a few grand on a matchmaker who can guarantee a quality date or even a long-term match may sound more attractive to those truly serious about finding love.

How much does a professional dating service cost?

Realize that you may not meet your match through a service. Cox of the Better Business Bureau noted that the average cost per person to use a matchmaking service is $5,000 — and some people spend as much as $10,000.

How much should I pay for a matchmaker?

Low-end matchmakers normally accept a large amount of clients and charge a minimal fee, between $2,500 and $15,000. This may sound like a good option; a minimal fee for a large client database, however, quality is more important than quantity.

Which dating app has the most success?

Settling down is the goal at eharmony, one of the most trusted dating sites with a great success rate.

What is the 3 day no contact rule?

The basic “no contact rule” means 30 days without reaching out to your ex. According to, there are five psychological stages a man goes through during the no contact period. Stage one: your ex is calm and assured of his decision. This typically lasts three days to a week.

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