Question: Is Ontario bigger than Pakistan?

Ontario (Canada) is 35% larger than Pakistan.

Is Canada bigger than Pakistan?

Canada is about 13 times bigger than Pakistan. Pakistan is approximately 796,095 sq km, while Canada is approximately 9,984,670 sq km, making Canada 1,154% larger than Pakistan. Meanwhile, the population of Pakistan is ~233.5 million people (195.8 million fewer people live in Canada).

What countries is Ontario bigger than?

The Province of Ontario is; larger than France and Spain , combined.

Is Quebec bigger than Pakistan?

Québec (Canada) is 94% larger than Pakistan.

How many Pakistanis are in Ontario?

Pakistani CanadiansTotal populationOntario149,000Alberta29,300Quebec13,500British Columbia12,6008 more rows

Is Ontario or Europe bigger?

Europe is 9.5 times larger than Ontario (Canada). Europe is 9.5 times larger than Ontario (Canada).

How big is Italy compared to Ontario?

Ontario (Canada) is 3.6 times larger than Italy. Ontario (Canada) is 3.6 times larger than Italy.

What is Ontario best known for?

Home to the iconic, world-renowned Niagara Falls, Ontario is one of the countrys most populous provinces and is the perfect spot to visit year round. Ontario is one of Canadas more populous provinces and is home to the world-famous Niagara Falls.

What are 5 interesting facts about Ontario?

Discover Interesting Facts About OntarioOntario covers one million square kilometres. Ontario is the second-largest province in Canada, coming in behind Quebec.Boasting approximately 250,000 lakes, Ontario is estimated to have 20% of the worlds freshwater stores.The official flower of Ontario is the trillium.More items

What is the best country to live in?

Canada. #1 in Quality of Life Rankings. Denmark. #2 in Quality of Life Rankings. Sweden. #3 in Quality of Life Rankings. Norway. #4 in Quality of Life Rankings. Switzerland. #5 in Quality of Life Rankings. Australia. #6 in Quality of Life Rankings. Netherlands. #7 in Quality of Life Rankings. Finland. #8 in Quality of Life Rankings.More items

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