Question: How can I marry a woman in Ukraine?

Both parties applying for marriage must have a legal status in Ukraine (Ukrainian citizenship, residency permit, visa, entry stamp in their passport, etc.). An application for marriage should be submitted by a couple in person (or by an authorized third party) at any State Registration and Notary Service of Ukraine .

How can I get Ukrainian nationality?

Citizenship of Ukraine may be acquired in any one of the following ways: By descent: Being born to parents, at least one of whom is a citizen of Ukraine. Being born abroad to stateless parents, but legally residing in Ukraine, and having acquired no other nationality at birth.

What is the basic salary in Ukraine?

Minimum Wage The minimum wage in Ukraine (starting from 1st January 2021) is 6,000 UAH (USD 220/month). This is an increase of approximately 16% compared to the previous years 5,000 UAH (USD 183). Ukraine has one of the lowest minimum wages in Europe.

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