Question: What is the term for dating up?

What is the word for dating up?

In this page you can discover 46 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for up-to-date, like: abreast of, current, the latest, with-it, au-fait, all-the-rage, modern, , faddish, abreast and fashionable.

What is another word for keeping up-to-date?

What is another word for keeping up to date?keeping abreast offollowingkeeping up onstaying current

Is uptodate a word?

Up-to-date is an adjective phrase that is used as a synonym for current. Something that is up-to-date contains the most recent information available. See the sentences below for examples, The new edition of Kates book has the most up-to-date information available on the science of horse nutrition.

Is it uptodate or up to date?

When it comes after the noun, the compound adjective usually doesnt get a hyphen. So, we say an easy-to-remember number, but the number is easy to remember. Same goes for up to date—if its before a noun it needs a hyphen. A document is up to date but its an up-to-date document.

How do you say most up to date?

synonyms for most courant.More items

Whats another word for cutting edge?

What is another word for cutting-edge?advancedprogressiveavantstate-of-the-artavant-gardemoderninnovativerevolutionarygroundbreakingleading-edge73 more rows

What does it mean to stay current?

current Add to list Share. Expressions like staying current or keeping up with current events show a need or desire to know whats popular, important, or relevant now.

How do we use as today?

As of today can mean “from the beginning up until now, including today,” as in this example: As of today, only three survivors have been found.

What is another word for real time?

What is another word for real-time?concurrentimmediateinstantaneousactualpresentsimultaneoushere and nowcontemporaneouscoincidentcoexistent54 more rows

What does Currentness mean?

noun. the state or quality of being current; currency.

What is a cutting edge personality?

The definition of cutting edge is someone or something that is the latest, greatest and newest. 1. An example of cutting edge is brand new medical technology to help cancer patients. 2. An example of cutting edge is a person who always has the newest electronic gear the day it comes out.

What does being on the cutting edge mean?

To be at the cutting edge means to be at the forefront, where new developments are taking place. The research comes from a company at the cutting edge of space science.

What does it mean to stay abreast of something?

Stay or cause to stay up-to-date with, as in Hes keeping abreast of the latest weather reports, or Please keep me abreast of any change in his condition. This term alludes to the nautical sense of abreast, which describes ships keeping up with each other. [ Late 1600s]

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