Question: Is it safe to play Words With Friends?

Words with Friends is an online word game by Zynga, much like the old favourite, Scrabble. Over recent months, this platform has become a haven for romance scammers via the chat facility within the app. If you adopt a policy of never responding to random chat messages in games, you will be perfectly safe.

Do people get scammed on Words With Friends?

The Lee County Sheriffs Office said it recently investigated one such instance of a romance scam in the countys South District that used the popular Zynga online game Words With Friends. A Lee County resident reported being scammed out of $66,000 after befriending a person they were playing.

Are Words With Friends players real?

Its not a real person. You are essentially playing against lines of computer code. Its possible that Zynga, the publisher of Words With Friends, creates these bots to keep you playing.

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