Question: How do you decode a Rolex serial number?

In order to find your Rolex serial number, look on the side of the case between the lugs. These will be found behind the bracelet by the 6 oclock area. By noting what this 4-8 digit number is thats engraved on every watch by Rolex, it can be determined what the production date is.

How can I tell if a Rolex serial number is real?

Rolex watches include a serial number stamped between the watch lugs at the 6 oclock position. You will need to remove the bracelet in order to find this. An authentic watch will have a deeply engraved serial number. You should be able to hold it to the light and see a slight glow around the edges.

Will Rolex verify a serial number?

A genuine Rolex watch will have its model number on the 12-hour side. However, counterfeiters do not often bother to change these numbers. Instead, they print the same digits on every replica. And, only a professional Rolex dealer can help you to date them & verify the authenticity of the Rolex serial number.

What do the Rolex model numbers mean?

What do the Numbers Mean? Rolex model numbers are four, five or six numerical digits long. The first two to four digits describes the type of watch. If the model number is five or six digits long, the second to the last number describes the bezel and the last number describes the metal type the watch is made from.

Are Rolex serial numbers unique?

What is a Rolex Serial Number? Every Rolex watch that comes out of the factory is designated with its own serial number. As a result, each Rolex serial number is unique (there are exceptions, as well see shortly).

How can I find my stolen Rolex?

If you believe your Rolex is stolen check the serial number with Rolex headquarters and ask them to search their lost or stolen database.

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