Question: How does Vida dating work?

Vida actually does part of the dating for you. Vidas remote team of virtual-dating assistants will then write your profile bio and take care of your photos. Theyll also find you dating app matches by swiping on your behalf (becoming essentially “thumbs for hire”) and then ghostwrite your conversations.

What is Vida dating service?

A matchmaking service called ViDA Select will flirt for you -- for a price. The online flirting service pairs up with other dating apps and does all the work to woo your next potential partner. Packages can range from $695 a month for 2-6 dates to $1,295 a month for 6-12 dates.

How does Vida select work?

Thats thanks to a company called Vida Select whose website promises: You No Longer Have To Fight An Uphill Battle In Order To Date High-Quality Women! Instead, Vida Select helps out its customers by 1) Writing a profile that women (or men) just cant resist; 2) Sending introductory messages to hundreds or thousands

How good is Vida select?

Awesome Atmosphere, Wonderful Goals. VIDA Select has such a wonderfully supportive and creative environment. I started in the Profile Writing department, moved into the Dating Specialist Team, and have since taken over management of the Writing Department. The company feels more like a family than a workspace.

How expensive is ViDA select?

ViDA offers an array of membership packages for you to select from, depending on the level of service that best fits your needs. The most popular standard package is $895 for each month that you decide to use the service, and our VIP packages start at $1595 per month.

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