Question: Can you wear shorts on a first date?

Going on a date—especially a first date—can initiate some nervous sweating when its not 90 degrees outside. But when the heat and humidity all but promise youll be sweating mere minutes after walking out the door, you need to dress accordingly. That being said, you probably dont want to show up wearing shorts.

Are shorts good for a date?

So, are shorts appropriate for a date? If theyre the right kind of shorts, yes. It also depends on where youre going and when. If youre meeting during daylight hours and temperature allows, then go for it, unless youre going to a fancy restaurant or think youll be out very, very late.

What a girl should wear on first date?

For women, go with a little black dress or a casual blouse and jeans finished with feminine accessories and a natural makeup look. Stick to solid colors or small-scale prints and avoid anything with loud patterns and obnoxious colors that may distract your date.

Can you wear jean shorts on a first date?

And speaking of jeans, denim is definitely first-date approved. Try a pretty top and colorful mules with vintage-washed straight legs for a put-together casual vibe, or balance out a billowing crop top with a long pair of cut-off shorts or loose-fitting bottoms.

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