Question: Does Syria allow alcohol?

Alcohol in Syria is not banned as it is in some Muslim countries. Nor is it reserved for the upper class elite or religious minorities. Syria, Lebanon and Iraq have long produced their own alcoholic beverages, from beer to wine to the anise-based arak.

Drinking Age By Country 2021CountryOn Premise Drinking AgeOff Premise Drinking AgeSenegal1818Ecuador1818Guatemala1818Syria181897 more rows

What country is alcohol illegal?

Pakistan, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Mauritania, Libya, the Maldives, Iran, Kuwait, Brunei, and Bangladesh also have alcohol bans, as do some states in India (India is a Hindu-majority country but has a sizeable Muslim population).

Can you buy alcohol in Damascus?

In Damascus, a town in Van Buren County, Arkansas, the sale of packaged alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Why do Muslims not drink alcohol?

Muslims abstain from alcohol because the Prophet Muhammad , to whom Muslims believe the word of God was revealed in the Quran, spoke against it. Though Muhammad said alcohol may have some medicinal value, as recorded in the Quran, he believed its potential for sin was far greater than its benefits.

What religion are the Syrians?

According to CIA World Factbook, 87% of Syrians are Muslim, the majority being Sunni Muslims (74%). A further 13% are Shia Muslims, following the Alawite (11%), Ismaili (1%) or Twelver Imami (0.5%) sects.

As with drugs, there is a prohibition on the manufacture, sale, possession, and consumption of alcohol in Saudi Arabia. Drinking is punishable by public flogging, fines, or lengthy imprisonment, accompanied by deportation in certain cases.

Which race drinks the most?

Native Americans have the highest prevalence (12.1 percent) of heavy drinking (i.e., five or more drinks on the same occasion for 5 or more of the past 30 days; followed by Whites (8.3 percent) and Hispanics (6.1 percent).

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