Question: Do you have to pay for MAGIC dating?

Our dating site is free to take a look around and see who catches your eye The beauty of online dating is that whether youre lying in bed, walking the dog, or even using the bathroom - and yes, 61% of people have done this, you can take your time, pass the time and actually have fun dating.

Does eharmony cost money?

Joining the eharmony community is absolutely free. By becoming an eharmony Premium Member, youre enlisting the No1 Trusted Dating Site as your partner. With unlimited matches, enhanced search features, unlimited communication, exclusive dating content and more, eharmony can help you find your match.

Is OurTime dating site free? - The #1 Dating Site for 50+ Singles. Over 50 Meet! ITS FREE TO JOIN.

Can you message on OurTime for free?

You can create your profile and access the main search engines free of charge, so that you can check out other singles profiles. You can also communicate by email or IM with members who have chosen the Connect upgrade. Free messaging is also available in the Around Me feature on our Apple and Android apps.

Can I cancel Eharmony after 1 month?

Members get a 14-day cooling-off time on any subscription purchased. During the eharmony cancellation period, you can get a refund or exchange by contacting the eharmony Customer Service Team.

How much is a 3 month subscription to Eharmony?

$39.95 a month for a 3-month plan. $29.95 a month for a 6-month plan. $19.95 a month for a 12-month plan.

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