Question: Why do Virgos not like Libras?

Libras are flighty and fickle, and thats one thing Virgos cant tolerate. Libras are constantly being pulled in different directions by others. And Virgo is way too critical for Libra. Their sex life could be lovely at first, very romantic and traditional, but even that will get boring for both after a while.

Why cant Virgos get along with Libras?

Libras need for sensual, beautiful things might not match well with Virgos practical, reserved nature. At their worst, Virgo is critical and judgmental, while Libra is indecisive and manipulative. If they cant communicate about their differences and find common ground, they will end the relationship unsatisfied.

Are Libra and Virgo enemies?

This takes Virgo planning, maintenance and patience. Because of these characteristics, Virgos most likely enemies are signs like Sagittarius, Aries, and Libra.

Do Libras get along with Virgos?

Virgo admires Libras clear mind and drive for balance in all things. Many of the insights of Libra are brilliant, but Virgo could lose trust, wondering when its their turn to be lampooned. Dates are a chance to talk, which they both love to do, to the point of talking over each other.

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