Question: What is Siris favorite color?

Siris favorite color is hard to describe in our terms. Its a kind of greenish but with more dimensions .

What is Siris favorite movie?

Apparently, Siri likes the Computer in Star Trek (2009) and falls asleep during Inception. She also seems to think The Matrix is all about black leather and Keanu Reeves.

What color is Siris hair?

Siri Daly is a blonde now! Check out her sunny new look. Daly decided to take her hair lighter and shorter this summer! While Siri Dalys hair is always on point, she decided to up the ante this summer with a new look that will look great well into fall.

How do I make Siri mean?

How to Make Siri MadGet Personal.Ask for Its Views on Philosophy and Religion.Ask It to Entertain You.Bombard It With Quotes from Movies and Popular Culture.Mistake It for Another Assistant.23 Oct 2020

Who is the male version of Siri?

Jon Briggs Jon Briggs (born 24 January 1965) is an English television, radio presenter and narrator. He is best known for his voice-over work, and particularly as the British voice used by Apple Inc.s Siri virtual assistant software .Jon BriggsOccupationVoiceover ArtistKnown forVoice of British Siri2 more rows

What happens if you say 112 to Siri?

According to the Siri user guide, iPhones automatically call the local emergency number no matter what emergency number you say. For example, if you told Siri “911” in France, you would contact the closest French police station even though 112 is the French emergency number.

Can Siri call the person next to you?

Press and hold the Home button. Wait for the short chime and then give Siri the command. For example, you can say “Call” and give the persons name. As long as the person is in your Contacts, Siri will call the person for you.

Who is Siri in real life?

Susan Bennett Susan BennettAlma materBrown UniversityOccupationVoice actress, singerYears active1974–presentKnown forVoice of Siri4 more rows

What happens if you say 17 to Siri?

In reality, the hack doesnt work and if you do tell Siri “17,” you will unwittingly be calling for emergency services. According to the Siri user guide, iPhones automatically call the local emergency number no matter what emergency number you say.

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