Question: Why is Fika important?

Fika is a concept, a state of mind, an attitude and an important part of Swedish culture. Many Swedes consider that it is almost essential to make time for fika every day. It means making time for friends and colleagues to share a cup of coffee (or tea) and a little something to eat.

What does Swedish fika mean?

The word “fika” is used as both a noun and a verb, and is derived from the Swedish word for coffee (kaffe), a national obsession for the worlds third-largest coffee drinking nation. Unlike the American-style caffeine jolt, the Swedish coffee break is a moment to literally leave work behind.

How often is fika?

Nowadays, the Swedes generally take two fika breaks a day: once in the mid-morning, and again around 3 p.m. The word fika actually derives from the 19th-century slang word for coffee, kaffi.

Who invented fika?

Fika history The word fika originated from the 19th century word kaffi (coffee) – then Swedes switched positions of the two syllables and removed one f. During the history of Sweden, coffee had been banned several times. Some Swedes didnt follow the rules and had to come up with a secret word to meet for “kaffi”.

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