Question: When should I give my number to Bumble?

Should I give out my number on Bumble?

Make the first by giving out your number on bumble and see if she is ready to text you. Here are some tips to gain the trust of your online love interest. However, I recommend asking for her number first since its generally easier for her to give her number than to add someone on her phone and text them back.

What to say when you dont want to give out your number?

9 Ways To Turn Down Someone Asking For Your NumberThe Direct Approach. “Thanks, but Im not interested. Tell Them Its Just Bad Timing. Stranger Danger. Offer An Alternative. Keep Your Tone Casual. Give It Up To Google. Point Them To Your Social Media. Make It Clear You Just Want To Be Friends.More items •6 Dec 2017

How do you tell someone you dont want to give them your number?

Just tell him no.For instance, you could say, Thanks for asking, but Im not interested.You can also just give him a number to stay in touch as friends, as long as you are abundantly clear about it. For instance, you could say, I dont mind giving you my number, but I would only do so as friends.

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