Question: How do I connect my magicJack to my computer?

How do I download MagicJack on my laptop?

How to Install MagicJack Using a LaptopPlug the MagicJack device into one of your laptops USB ports. Plug the phone line connected to your telephone into the exposed edge of the MagicJack USB device. Click the blue Register MagicJack button on the MagicJack software.More items

Does MagicJack have to be plugged into a computer?

To set up the new MagicJack Plus, you still need to plug it into a computer and go through several setup and registration steps. After that, you can either use it like the original -- via your computer -- or plug the device into your broadband modem or router via an Ethernet port (the cable is included).

How do I add a device to my MagicJack account?

If you already have an account with MagicJack, you will be able to login via the magicJack sign-in and add another device to it. Once you have created your new account or added the device to an existing account, click “submit” to continue on with the registration process.

Is there a MagicJack app for Windows?

The magicJack for BUSINESS Desktop App integrates your business phone system seamlessly onto your computer allowing you to stay connected even when youre away from the office. Available for both Windows and Mac®.

How do I set up MagicJack without a computer?

0:361:36How to Use the Magic Jack Plus without a Computer - YouTubeYouTube

Can I connect magicJack to my router?

Internet Router. Insert the MagicJack Plus device into the USB port on the devices power adapter. Use an ethernet cable (RJ45) to connect the MagicJack Plus to your Internet router. The ethernet cable must be plugged into the port labeled “Internet.”

How do I activate magicJack?

Set Up the MagicJack GoPlug the AC adaptor into a power outlet.Plug the USB extension cord into the AC adaptor.Next, plug the MagicGo into the USB extension.Now, plug in the phone jack, as well as the ethernet jack.There are two lights : a blue continuous one, and a white that is blinking.Proceed to a test call.More items •10 Feb 2021

How do I set up magicJack without a computer?

0:361:36How to Use the Magic Jack Plus without a Computer - YouTubeYouTube

How do I install magicJack on Windows 10?

Computer. Insert the MagicJack Plus device into an available USB port on your computer. Connect your telephone to the other end of the MagicJack Plus device using a phone cable (RJ11). Your computer will automatically detect MagicJack Plus within four minutes, and display the installation setup wizard.

How Much Is magicJack per year?

The MagicJack App is entirely free to download and use during this time. The extra MagicJack Concierge service for more support is $14.99 per year. There are no additional costs or discounts for these added features.

Is MagicJack a WiFi?

The newest development of the magic Jack series is the magicJack WiFi, developed by magicJack VocalTec Communications Limited. Simply configure the device so that it connects with your wifi internet signal, hook the device up to your phone and into an electrical outlet and you will be ready to go.

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