Question: What precautions should be taken while chatting?

What precautions should you take when using messaging and why?

Instant messagingChoose a non identifiable, non gender specific screen name.Never give out any personal information using IM. Never accept files or downloads from people you dont know or from people you do know, if you werent expecting them.More items

How can I be safe while chatting online?

Seven Tips for Staying Safe when Chatting OnlineDont give away personal information. Check out their friends list. Friends and photos seem to check out? Do they refuse to use a webcam? Google image search. Meeting up? Think logically and trust your instincts.

Is online chatting dangerous?

No doubt, the Internet can be an extremely useful tool for young people. But instant messaging, chat rooms, emails and social networking sites can also bring trouble - from cyberbullying to more serious Internet dangers, including exposure to sexual predators.

What are the basic rules and attitudes for chatting?

Do not reveal your real name while chatting; instead use a pseudo/nickname as your username. Avoid provocative nicknames as it tends to attract wrong attention. Do not share any personal information on the profile such as email address, mobile phone number, home or school address.

What are the basic rules and etiquettes for chatting?

Top 10 Chat Etiquette Rules You Shouldnt Break#1 Start with courtesy.#2 Take advantage of canned responses.#3 Keep the tone positive.#4 Show your proactivity.#5 Mind your grammar and spelling.#6 Write as you speak.#7 Chat with humor.#8 Filter your emoji.More items •Jul 31, 2020

How can you be respectful through texting and chatting?

Here are a few tips to help you make your messages clear, appropriate and pleasant:Use the appropriate medium. Think of your audience. Dont use all caps. Read and re-read before sending. Dont assume. Etiquette always applies. Never text while driving.Oct 16, 2019

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