Question: What is the poorest district in Malawi?

Nsanje is the top region by poor in Malawi. As of 2005, poor in Nsanje was 76 percent. The top 5 regions also includes Machinga, Zomba, Mulanje, and Chitipa.

How many Malawians are poor?

15.9 million Malawians Poverty in Malawi has been at critical levels for decades. Of the 15.9 million Malawians, about 12 million are living below the international poverty line ($1.25 a day) and approximately 14.3 million are living on less than $2.00 a day, according to the Rural Poverty Portal.

What is the smallest district in Malawi?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. The Northern Region is a region of Malawi. It had a population of 2,289,780 in 2018, and covers an area of 26,931 km², making it the smallest region both by population and area. Its capital city is Mzuzu.

Which is the biggest district in Malawi?

Mzimba The capital is Mzimba. The district covers an area of 10,430 km. ² and has a population of 610,944. It is the largest district in Malawi.

What major health issues does Malawi struggle with?

The five major causes of morbidity and mortality are HIV/AIDS, lower respiratory infection, P. falciparum malaria, diarrhoeal diseases and conditions arising during the perinatal period. Cholera is endemic. Chronic malnutrition is widespread – the Malawi/World Bank survey found that 44% of pre- schoolers are stunted.

What is the main cause of death in Malawi?

Table 3Leading Causes of Mortality and Disability Malawi, 2002Mortality (YLL)1HIV/AIDS35.82Lower Respiratory infections13.13Malaria9.78 more rows

What are the major causes of death in Malawi?

Top 10 causes of death in MalawiHIV/AIDS (18.17%)Respiratory infections and tuberculosis (12.96%)Cardiovascular diseases (11.6%)Maternal and neonatal disorders (9.36%)Neoplasms (7.8%)Enteric infections (6.27%)Neglected tropical diseases and malaria (5.76%)Digestive diseases (4.34%)More items

Is Malawi safe for tourists?

Most visits to Malawi are trouble-free, but you should take sensible precautions to protect yourself from muggers and bag-snatchers. Most thefts from visitors take place around the main bus stations in Lilongwe and Blantyre. Dont accept food or drink from strangers; people have been robbed after eating drugged food.

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