Question: Do online relationships last?

A new paper suggests partners who meet online are more likely to be compatible than those who meet in person. The paper adds to a growing body of research suggesting marriages that start online are stronger and last longer than relationships that start offline.

Do online relationships last long?

Her data found that the breakup rates for both marital and non-marital romantic relationships were higher for couples who met online than couples who met offline. It may be easy to meet people online—but its just as easy to break up. Online dating also might make you less likely to end up married.

Do online relationships ever work out?

Online Relationship Statistics eHarmony makes the claim that 20% of committed relationships began online. Psychology Today estimates that by the year 2040, 70% of couples will meet online. A study by Stanford University asserts that couples who meet online are no more likely to break up than couples that meet offline.

Are long-distance relationships doomed to fail?

82% of couples in long distance relationship put an end to their adventure after finally moving in together, according to the Ohio State University. In fact, another study from the same university goes even further, revealing that one third of those same couples break up within three months of moving in together.

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