Question: How does Tinder work UK?

Tinder is an online dating app that matches couples based on their physical attraction to one another. It alerts you to other Tinder users who fall within a specified age range and gender and are within a certain distance of your location, and it lets you know whether you have any mutual friends.

Can you use Tinder for free?

Is Tinder® free? Tinder® can be downloaded for free in the App Store and Google Play Store or visit to use Tinder for Web. Basic features let you create a profile, use the Swipe Right® feature to Like someone and use the Swipe Left™ feature to pass.

How do you get matches on Tinder UK?

One way Carbino thinks will improve your chances of getting a match is to make your profile more conversation friendly, by putting a question into your bio about an area or subject that interests you. For example, if youre into art, ask a question in your bio about who their favourite artists is.

Why are there no matches on Tinder 2021?

If youre not getting matches, Tinder may be subtly telling you that youre setting your sights too high and to think about lowering them a little.

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