Question: What is the Romeo and Juliet law in Texas?

Essentially, the Texas Romeo and Juliet law exempts teenagers and young adults who engage in sexual relations with teens under the age of consent from being classified as sex offenders. The accusation of having sexual relations with a minor is a serious matter.

Can you date a 16-year-old when your 18 in Texas?

Texas statutory rape law is black and white: Its illegal for adults to have consensual sex with minors under the age of 17. So, even if a young man is 18, he cannot legally have sex with a 16-year-old girl under Texas law. Indecency with a child is covered under Section 21.11(a) of the Texas Penal Code.

What is the Romeo and Juliet laws?

No adult aggressor will be able to claim the consent of a minor younger than 15 years old. As a consequence, a Romeo and Juliet clause allows for consensual sexual relations between a minor and an individual up to five years older. The clause will not apply in cases of sexual assault.

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