Question: How do you get money from whats your price?

The premise is simple: if someone wants to go on a date with you, they pay money to show how serious they are. Ohlala is an app thats hugely popular in Germany and just landed in New York with $1.7 million in seed-round funding. Then theres WhatsYourPrice, a date-auction website that I just had to try out for myself.

How does whats your price pay you?

Its paid in cash to the girl when you have your date. What the site recommends is that you pay (or collect) half of the money up front and the other half at the end of the date. If you have any issues with collection of money or payment, you can contact the site and let them know.

How much is a date?

Doing so we discovered that the average cost of a date worldwide in 2019 is $85. Thats $31 less than the American average of $116 – but still a little more expensive than a date night in Omaha!

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