Question: Can a junior date a freshman in college?

If junior acts older than their age I think its fine. Freshmen for the freshman Jr thing, Hell get cool girl for snagging an older woman. I would say its ok but dating standards 2 years isnt too much of a big gap but I wouldnt force it if you didnt want to date him or felt uncomfertable guy the situation.

Can a junior in high school date a freshman in college?

Originally Answered: Is it morally/socially okay for a Junior to date a Freshman in high school? Morally, yes. Dating someone who is 2 years younger or older than you is completely fine.

Is it a good idea to date in college?

College offers newfound freedom, a fresh start, and the opportunity to meet new people; in other words, its the ideal time to make the most of dating. If youre usually one to absolutely avoid asking out another person, your extra-curriculars in college may be the perfect excuse for snagging that date.

Do relationships work when one goes to college?

Some relationships can survive just about anything, including whatever college can throw your way. Many couples choose to stay together after graduation, but staying with your high school sweetheart during college is no simple task. Its a change for the better, no matter what happens to the relationship.

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