Question: Are Libras obsessed with Sagittarius?

“Libra is a cardinal air sign and Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign,” says Valerie Mesa, an astrologer at These two signs are drawn to each others fun-loving, carefree nature. “Both of these signs feel energized in social atmospheres; they enjoy going with the flow,” Mesa says.

What sign is obsessed with Sagittarius?

Born between November 22 - December 21, Sagittarius zodiac signs are most compatible with air and fire signs. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius zodiac signs are soulmates who mentally stimulate Sagittarius in matters related to love and romance.

What sign is Libra obsessed with?

Libra is obsessed with symmetry and strives to create equilibrium in all areas of life. These air signs are the aesthetes of the zodiac: Ruled by Venus, the planet that governs love, beauty, and money, Libras adore high art, intellectualism, and connoisseurship.

Who is a Sagittarius enemy?

If youre a Sagittarius, your most likely enemies are Pisces, Cancer, and Aquarius, Kerr Wright says. Sagittarius solves problems, so it can aggravate them that Pisces wants to dwell on the conflict at hand rather than taking steps to fix things.

Who is Sagittarius worst enemy?

If youre a Sagittarius, your most likely enemies are Pisces, Cancer, and Aquarius, Kerr Wright says. Sagittarius solves problems, so it can aggravate them that Pisces wants to dwell on the conflict at hand rather than taking steps to fix things.

Who is the enemy of Sagittarius?

If youre a Sagittarius, your most likely enemies are Pisces, Cancer, and Aquarius, Kerr Wright says. Sagittarius solves problems, so it can aggravate them that Pisces wants to dwell on the conflict at hand rather than taking steps to fix things.

Is Sagittarius and Libra a good match?

Libra & Sagittarius Are A Great Long-Term Match Accordingly, a Libra and Sagittarius relationship has a strong base for long-term success. Once these signs commit and find a solid sense of trust and balance, their passion and compatibility will keep them burning bright for years to come.

What is Libras worst match?

Libras can get along with most signs, but their worst match would probably be Virgo. Libras are flighty and fickle, and thats one thing Virgos cant tolerate. It may look fun at first, but Libras waste a lot of time, and Virgo is about efficiency. Libras are constantly being pulled in different directions by others.

What is Libras best friend?

As an air sign, Libra tends to be particularly good at friendships due to their communication skills. Libras will get along with Gemini and Aquarius, fellow air signs that can keep a conversation going, says Mckean. Libra and Gemini are two highly social signs who love going out and being around their friends.

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