Question: How does an INFP find love?

People who attract INFPs are those who share their worldview and moral values. Authenticity and honesty bring people closer to INFPs, and if their intuitive sensing function recognizes a potential partner, they become increasingly interested.

What are INFPs attracted to?

INFPs are often very attracted to intelligence and someone who uses their mind in a unique way. They are drawn to people who do not think like the rest of the world and instead have their own way of approaching things.

How does an INFP know when they are in love?

INFPs often get an initial feeling about someone, something in their gut which draws them closer. When they meet someone they often know right away whether or not they can truly fall in love with them. Because of this they dont like wasting their time when they dont really feel that spark or connection.

Who does INFP fall in love with?

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, INFPs natural partner is the ENFJ, or the ESFJ. INFPs dominant function of Introverted Feeling is best matched with a partner whose dominant function is Extraverted Feeling.

What do INFPs do when they like someone?

Once INFPs have a crush on someone, they start showing premeditated enthusiasm to the people around them. Suddenly, they became fun, engaging, and talkative. This action from INFPs intends to make an impression. They display their fun personality to get the attention of the person they like.

Why are INFP so attractive?

The INFP. Your rich imagination and mysterious, complex nature are deeply attractive. We wish that you could invite us into the world inside your mind so we could explore its beauty and ingenuity. You see meaning in everything around you and you challenge us to be our authentic selves.

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