Question: What do you do when you fall in love with your best friends girlfriend?

What do I do if I like my best friends girlfriend?

Stay at a friendly distance. Because we have no control of our feelings, there is nothing inherently wrong with taking a liking to your friends girlfriend. Dont forget that she is not the only girl around. Be happy for your friend. You admire her, but shes your bests girl. Dont get in the way of their relationship.Jun 14, 2021

How do I stop falling in love with my girl best friend?

Take some time and space away from this friendship for a while. No more long hours on the phone. Distract yourself with other things, like your other friends, hobbies, school/work, etc. When you do have to see her/talk to her, just remind yourself that a relationship isnt going to happen.

Can a girl fall in love with her bestfriend?

Its okay to have feelings of love because of the trust you share with your best friend, but that doesnt necessarily mean you are in love. But it does mean you have the ingredients to develop awesome love which could turn into a great marriage. Someone once said great friends make great lovers.

What do you do when your best friends boyfriend likes you?

For example, you could:Make sure youre not alone with him.Schedule a girls night only time with your friend.Walk away when he tries to flirt with you.Say, I am asking you to stop touching me. It makes me uncomfortable.Tell him, Do not call or text me anymore.

What to do if girlfriend is talking to another guy?

10 Things To Do When Your Girlfriend Talks To Other GuysAccept how you feel. Be calm. Give your 100% Believe in yourself. Dont try to control her if your girlfriend talks to other guys. Try to understand your feelings. Try to balance your life. Put yourself in your girlfriends shoes.More items •12 Aug 2021

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