Question: What was the story of the Deer Hunter?

What is the story behind the Deer Hunter?

Michael Ciminos The Deer Hunter is a three-hour movie in three major movements. It is a progression from a wedding to a funeral. It is the story of a group of friends. It is the record of how the war in Vietnam entered several lives and altered them terribly forever.

How did the deer hunter end?

Nick at last appears to remember, but when he takes the next shot in the game, the bullet is in the chamber, and he kills himself. The films final scene is a breakfast in Johns bar following Nicks funeral. The mourners, including Steven, Angela, and Linda, sing “God Bless America.”

Was a deer killed in the Deer Hunter?

According to cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond, the scene where the deer was shot by Michael was filmed by giving the trained deer a sedative. It took half an hour for the drug to take effect. They had fenced off an area limiting the deers range, and two cameras were used.

Why was the deer hunter so controversial?

The films critics have been most particularly disturbed by the fact that the movies central metaphor for the absurdity of war is an invention. That metaphor is the game of Russian roulette, used as a torture, that the Vietcong in the movie force their American prisoners to play against each other.

What is the message of The Deer Hunter?

Despite such important quibbles, The Deer Hunter is an important work of art that represents the impact of the war on a group of young macho men living in a small industrial town in western Pennsylvania who drink a lot of beer and enjoy hunting deer in the mountains.

Whats wrong with Angela in The Deer Hunter?

What was the secret? Answer: He had never slept with Angela. Angela was pregnant and everyone thought that was why Stevie was marrying her. He told Nick he had never slept with her, implying that the baby was not his.

Why do they sing God Bless America at the end of the Deer Hunter?

It isnt bitter — the survivors end up singing “God Bless America,” and they mean it. But it makes all of us reflect upon the price we paid for a war that few of us wanted. Certainly, the young men in this film — De Niro, John Savage and Christopher Walken — werent eager to go.

What religion is the deer hunter?

Michael Ciminos The Deer Hunter utilizes Christian contexts and biblical motifs in order to present an allegory in which Michael (Robert De Niro) represents an angelic being.

Why do they sing God Bless America at the end of The Deer Hunter?

It isnt bitter — the survivors end up singing “God Bless America,” and they mean it. But it makes all of us reflect upon the price we paid for a war that few of us wanted. Certainly, the young men in this film — De Niro, John Savage and Christopher Walken — werent eager to go.

Why is the deer hunter good?

“It has a positive feeling for life, an admiration for the characters abilities to go on after a horrendous experience and go on in a quiet way. Theres a great deal of open sentiment in the film; people say, “I love…” Theyre passionate about things.” The Deer Hunter is on general release.

Is Angela pregnant in The Deer Hunter?

Angela was pregnant and everyone thought that was why Stevie was marrying her. He told Nick he had never slept with her, implying that the baby was not his. From Quiz: The Deer Hunter. Question by author Sarah606.

What is wrong with Angela in The Deer Hunter?

What was the secret? Answer: He had never slept with Angela. Angela was pregnant and everyone thought that was why Stevie was marrying her. He told Nick he had never slept with her, implying that the baby was not his.

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