Question: Why are Scorpios bad in relationships?

If they fear their partner isnt equally invested in the relationship, they can become paranoid and possessive. Scorpios may even create conflict to test their lovers devotion, toxic behavior that often backfires. If theyre not careful, their iron grip may be their relationships death knell.

What are the weaknesses of a Scorpio?

Negatives of Scorpio Zodiac Sign A Scorpios need for control can oftentimes mean that they seem intolerant, jealous and manipulative. Their possessive nature is oftentimes unwarranted.

Do Scorpios sabotage relationships?

Scorpios are definitely the most likely to sabotage their own relationships. While you have a lot of great qualities when it comes to love (your ability to attract people towards you, your passion, your magnetism), you always end up digging yourself a hole you cant climb out of.

Do Scorpios feel guilty?

Scorpio, you are the type of zodiac sign that prefers to keep your true feelings hidden instead of letting just anyone see the real you. When it comes to feeling guilty about something, you do the exact same thing.

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