Question: What do you need to know about divorce in NC?

In North Carolina, the grounds for divorce are that the couple must have lived separate and apart for one year and that one party must have resided in North Carolina for six months prior to the filing of the action. You can also apply for divorce on the basis of incurable insanity.

Can I date while separated before divorce NC?

Under North Carolina General Statute 50-6, a couple must be separated for one year before a divorce is final. Even if you did not begin dating someone until after the date of separation, a suspicious former spouse may see the new boyfriend or girlfriend as the cause of the marriages end and bring a court action.

Is NC A 50/50 divorce state?

In most North Carolina divorces, property will be divided 50/50 between spouses. However, the following factors may be taken into account to ensure the equitable distribution of property: Income of both parties.

Do you need proof of separation for divorce in NC?

Do you need proof of separation in North Carolina before filing for divorce? No, you do not need proof of separation. Your word is typically good enough. When you file for divorce, you will state in the papers that you meet the separation requirements.

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce in North Carolina?

What is a spouse entitled to in a divorce in NC? A spouse is typically entitled to some amount of alimony or spousal support, depending on the decision of the NC divorce courts. A spouse may also be entitled to a 50/50 split of marital property if so decided by the courts.

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