Question: What to say to a person with schizophrenia?

You can reach out to the person by telling them that you are concerned about them, and are willing to offer them any support they may need. A simple way to say this would be, “I understand that you have been through a lot, and I just want you to know that I care about you and am willing to help you…”

How do you communicate with schizophrenia?

When supporting someone experiencing psychosis you should:talk clearly and use short sentences, in a calm and non-threatening empathetic with how the person feels about their beliefs and experiences.validate the persons own experience of frustration or distress, as well as the positives of their experience.More items

How do you respond to a schizophrenic patient?

Be respectful, kind, and supportive, and call their doctor if needed. If they are acting out hallucinations, stay calm, call 911, and tell the dispatcher they have schizophrenia. While you wait for paramedics, dont argue, shout, criticize, threaten, block the doorway, touch them, or stand over them.

Do schizophrenics talk alot?

They might not talk much or show any feelings. Doctors call this alogia. Flattening: The person with schizophrenia might seem like they have a terrible case of the blahs. When they talk, their voice can sound flat, like they have no emotions.

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