Question: What social media came before MySpace?

Friendster was one of the first social networks when it launched in 2002, preceding MySpace, LinkedIn and Facebook.

What was the first social media before Facebook?

The one that got away, Myspace is the pre-Facebook social network site that everyone remembers. Founders Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolf learned from Friendsters mistakes and prioritised Myspaces scalability in order to avoid the same fate as Friendster.

What came before FB?

LinkedIn: Yes, LinkedIn was on the scene before Facebook, launching in May 2003. It was the first popular social network devoted to business, and is currently the most prominent. MySpace: This is the one everyone remembers. Launched in 2003, by 2006 MySpace had become the most widely used social network in the world.

How can I recover my old MySpace account?

Search for and then enter your name into their search bar and voila, theres your old profile. You do not need to know your old password or create a new password to access any public accounts. From here, you can search through your old photos, music, videos, connections, events and mixes.

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