Question: How to start a conversation with an emo boy?

Start by simply saying hi to him whenever you see him. Then, over time, try asking him questions, like where he got his shoes/shirts/bag, what kind of music he likes, or other things related to him being emo. Even if youre shy, you can definitely talk to him!

How do you act emo?

Incorporate emo clothing into your wardrobe.The original emo style consisted of flat shoes including converse and vans; sweaters in plain colors such as beige and grey; skinny jeans and messenger bags. Do not wear skinny jeans all of the time. Get some shirts with your favourite bands on them. Accessorize. DIY.More items

How do I get out of the emo phase?

How do I stop being emo?Burn all of your CDs, they suck.Get rid of your plastic jewelry.Get rid of your clothes.Buy new clothes, two sizes bigger than your old clothes, and not all black.Dye your hair back to its original color.If you dont need glasses, stop wearing them.Jun 4, 2019

Who started the scene trend?

Scene originated from the emo subculture in the early-2000s across the United States. The name began being used around 2002, through the term scene queen, a derogatory term describing attractive, popular women perceived by older hardcore musicians as only being involved in hardcore for the subculture.

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