Question: Where is the best place to put my soundbar?

It should be directly in front of you and preferably at ear level for the best audio quality. TVs and TV racks have differing heights, so take into consideration your setup and your preferred position. Generally, it shouldnt be hard to decide whether its best to mount the soundbar above or below your TV.

Where is the best place to put a sound bar?

Most soundbars can be wall-mounted. You can place a soundbar under or above a wall-mounted TV. It is best to mount it under the TV as the sound is better directed to the listener. Many soundbars come with hardware or a paper wall template.

Can I put my soundbar on the floor?

You can put a soundbar on the floor. Its one of the most common placements for this device, especially under the TV, as it provides better sound quality. Soundbar placement can be really important to the quality of sound, which means that you need to think carefully about where you want to put it.

Should soundbar go above or below TV?

A soundbar is usually placed below a TV, but its also okay to mount it above a television set. Based on the model, the placement could determine the soundbars performance and how it looks. If the speakers are upward-firing, placing the soundbar above the TV will make a lot more acoustic sense.

Can I put my soundbar above my TV?

A soundbar is usually placed below a TV, but its also okay to mount it above a television set. If the speakers are upward-firing, placing the soundbar above the TV will make a lot more acoustic sense.

Can a soundbar be placed above a TV?

When putting a soundbar above the television, you will almost always have to wall-mount it. Depending on placement, the television itself can end up blocking the upward-firing speakers when the soundbar is placed directly underneath it.

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