Question: Why is Marge pregnant in Fargo?

When Frances McDormand was performing as the pregnant cop Marge in Fargo, she wore a “pregnancy pillow” to resemble a baby bump. In preparation for the role, McDormand worked with a pregnant cop in St. Paul. One day, during shooting, McDormand left her prosthetic pregnancy suit in her cold trailer overnight.When Frances McDormand

Why did Jerry need the money in Fargo?

He needed the money to buy that parking lot and become his own man, an equal with his father in law, and a success in the eyes of society. He was so desperate to establish himself as a serious man, he risked absolutely everything, and lost.

Is movie Fargo based on true story?

The answer is No. Fargo may have been inspired by real incidents but those incidents werent a part of one story. The storyline of Fargo is made by connecting two cases that arent related to each other.

Whats the real story behind Fargo?

The answer is No. Fargo may have been inspired by real incidents but those incidents werent a part of one story. The storyline of Fargo is made by connecting two cases that arent related to each other.

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