Question: Is WorldStar Hip Hop free?

How much does it cost to get on WorldStar Hip Hop?

DEPOSIT - $8,000 / Upload.

What happened to WorldStar?

The founder of the popular and controversial website, Lee ODenat, died of natural causes as a result of severe buildup of plaque near his heart and obesity, according to a full autopsy report. The unexpected death of the 43-year-old prompted an investigation by the coroners office.

Who is the creator of world star?

Lee Q ODenat WorldStarHipHop/Created by WorldStarHipHop is a content-aggregating video blog. Founded in 2005, the site averages 1.2 million unique visitors a day. The site, operated by Worldstar, LLC, was founded by Lee Q ODenat, a Hollis, Queens–based hip-hop fan who attended Grover Cleveland High School before graduating.

Do you get paid for being on WorldStar?

World Stars viewership may be subject for debate, but their revenue is real. According to the sites rate card, they charge $500 to post a video, $1,250 for mixtape/DVD trailers and $5,000 for X-rated clips.

What is WorldStar worth?

Lee ODenat net worth: Lee ODenat, also known as Q, was an American business executive and internet CEO who had a net worth of $20 million. Lee ODenat was most famous for being the founder of the website Lee founded the website on August 9, 2005 with his wife.

How much does it cost to get on WorldStar?

According to the sites rate card, they charge $500 to post a video, $1,250 for mixtape/DVD trailers and $5,000 for X-rated clips. Putting content in the featured top box costs $2,500 a day, while there is no charge for videos from established artists.

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