Question: Is dating a minor legal in Canada?

The age of consent in Canada is 16 years. This is the age that criminal law recognizes the legal capacity of a young person to consent to sexual activity. Generally, it is legal to have sexual contact with someone who is 16 years or older if they agree to have sex with you.

16 years old The legal age of consent in Canada is 16 years old. Exceptions: Persons under 16 years can have consensual sex with someone close in age. These exceptions only apply if the older person is not in a position of authority or trust and there is no exploitation or dependency.

Can you date someone under 18 Canada?

In Canada, youth under 12 years old cannot legally consent to sexual activity in any situation. A youth under 18 cannot legally consent to sexual activity with someone over 18 where there is a relationship of authority, trust, or dependency (for example, a coach, teacher, or family member).

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