Question: What are the best songs for making love?

Who wrote I didnt mean to turn you on?

Terry Lewis Jimmy Jam I Didnt Mean to Turn You On/Composers

What does I didnt mean to mean?

Listen to the Entire Lesson. The word didnt is a contraction of the words did not. When using it in a sentence with the words mean to you are informing someone that you did something you regret or are sorry for.

Who wrote the song Addicted to Love?

Robert Palmer Addicted to Love/Composers

Can people get turned on by music?

A study released on Wednesday suggests that the euphoria you experience while enjoying music is triggered by the same brain chemical system that gives humans pleasurable feelings associated with sex and recreational drugs.

Can songs make you orgasm?

Music has the power to spark feelings so intense some liken it to an orgasm. It affects different parts of the body depending on the person and circumstances of induction, and retains similar sensory, evaluative, and affective biological and psychological components to sexual orgasm.

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