Question: How do you install an aerial splitter on a TV?

How do you install a aerial splitter?

Strip the input(from antenna) and output(to TV point) coax cables. Terminate the coax cables with an F connector. Insert the centre conductor of the input cable into the hole on the input socket of the splitter, then tighten the screw. Tighten till finger tight, then tighten slightly beyond this with a spanner.

How do I connect multiple TVs to my aerial?

2:143:30How To Connect a TV Antenna to Multiple TV Sets - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou need to keep as much of that signal from the antenna as you can run into your TV set if a preampMoreYou need to keep as much of that signal from the antenna as you can run into your TV set if a preamp isnt an option the distribution amp is a good idea.

What does a TV aerial splitter do?

Aerial splitters are used to distribute incoming signals between end receivers. These are commonly installed to split a single signal from an aerial or digibox between multiple outlets, where a house or commercial building has more than one television which requires an aerial signal from a lone supply cable.

Do smart TVs have built in aerials?

If you wish to receive Freeview through your smart TV, you will also need an aerial to do so. However, since you have a smart television it should have internet TV services such as Netflix, Amazon, BBC iPlayer and more built in. You dont require an aerial to watch these services.

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