Question: Are Hummels worth anything today?

Most Hummel figurines are worth $50-$75. Some models reach several hundred dollars. Special individual Hummel figurines can be sold for thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars.

What is the most valuable Hummel?

Adventure Bound Adventure Bound is the most rare and valuable Hummel figurine. This 8-inch figure depicts seven little boys heading out on an adventure. Models with the “Full Bee” stamp (also called the TMK-2) were created before 1959.

Are Hummels valuable today?

Their appeal continues today, as the scarcity of some styles has driven prices to record heights. While modestly priced Hummels dominate the market, exceptional examples of these rosy-cheeked children can sell between several hundred to several thousand dollars.

Are Hummels increasing in value?

Rarity of Specific Figurines Limited-edition Hummel figurines bring higher values than pieces with much larger production runs. Retired figurines—ones that are no longer on the market—command better prices than pieces that are currently in production. A rare Hummel figurine can bring a value of $1000 or more.

What is the most collectible item?

The 10 Most Popular Collectible Items (And How to Store Them)Antique Furniture. Any time you stumble across something old, its worth looking into. Vinyl Records. Comic Books. Coins and Currency. Classic Cars. Trading Cards. Dolls and Toys. Stamps.More items •Nov 1, 2017

How do you tell if a figurine is a Hummel?

1:033:06How To Identify Hummel figurines by Dr. Lori - YouTubeYouTube

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