Question: Can someone with Aspergers be social?

People diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (AS) are commonly characterised as having difficulties with social interaction, social imagination and communication (Attwood, 2006).

Do people with Aspergers have social issues?

The characteristics of Asperger syndrome vary from one person to another, although there are some key traits that autistic people share. These are: persistent difficulties with or differences in social communication and social interaction.

Can an autistic person be social?

Many children and adults on the autism spectrum need help in learning how to act in different types of social situations. They often have the desire to interact with others, but may not know how to engage friends or may be overwhelmed by the idea of new experiences.

How can I be social with Aspergers?

Asperger Tips: Stay calm, take a break when frustrated or anxious e.g. go to bathroom. Seek help and advice when needed - have a trusted friend as your communications advisor/mentor. Think positive, dont take immediate offence at misaligned words, body language or tone of voice.

Do people with Aspergers express emotion?

People with Asperger profiles absolutely do have feelings, although they may have difficulty identifying and discussing them. In fact, many feelings – such as fear, anger and joy – seem to be experienced more intensely by those with Asperger profiles than by average people.

Did Albert Einstein not talk until he was 4?

Einstein did not start speaking until he was four, or so I was told by friends when they learned that Vincent, my toddler son, had a problem with his speech development. But it was of little comfort: I had not set out to raise another Einstein.

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