Question: What does The Inner Circle do?

Inner Circle is a dating app for ambitious people who take dating seriously. Inner Circle is owned by Circle Imperium B.V., with offices based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The app is designed to help singles meet their match - matching based on shared values and interests and meeting out in the real world.

Are Joey Sasso and Miranda really dating?

Sadly for fans of the couple, it doesnt look like Joey and Miranda are still together - but they both stayed close after the show finished. Miranda also spoke about her relationship with Joey, telling People: “I have a relationship with Joey unlike [one] I have with anyone else in this entire world.”

How is the Circle winner chosen?

The winner of The Circle is decided by their fellow players. Much like in the rest of the series, the final sees players vote for their favourite contestants, ranking them in order of preference. The ultimate winner of the Circle, therefore, is the person who comes out top on the final rating.

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