Question: How do I install MeetMe on my PC?

Can you go live on MeetMe on laptop?

Streaming Live: From the Live tab you can start your own streaming video to share with others anything as long as it is community appropriate or you can also follow others stream. Here you can view trending streamers on the platform, people nearby, new streamers in MeetMe and your previously selected as favorites.

Can you look someone up on Meetme?

Type in the name or phone number of the person you are trying to find on MeetMe. Tap the search icon. You may get a lot of profiles with that name. You can filter out your search results based on other information you have i.e. location of that person, state, workplace, etc.

Is the Meetme app a dating site?

Despite being advertised as an easy way to make “new friends,” MeetMe is regarded as a dating app. Users are encouraged and even rewarded to view profiles of the opposite sex. The Huffington Post included this app in a list of the top 6 dating apps teens secretly use.

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